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Welcome to the website of the Financial Arbitration Board



APRIL 9, 2024

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

The Financial Conciliation Board hereby informs you that it will not hold hearings between July 30 and August 16, 2024. The last hearing day before the hearing break is Monday 29 July 2024, the first hearing day after the break is Wednesday 21 August 2024. The days of the hearing break are not included in the duration of the proceedings.


Dr. Erika Kovács



FEBRUARY 15, 2024

Dear Readers!

The Financial Conciliation Board publishes its report for the year 2023 today. In our Annual Report, we summarize the most important events of last year, we provide information about our achieved results, events that occurred in the life of the Board, and we also report on the experiences we have gained in the course of our activities in the field of individual financial services.


Dr. Erika Kovács



DECEMBER 20, 2023

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

I hereby inform you that the Operating Rules of the Financial Conciliation Board will be amended in some points with effect from January 2, 2024. The amendments affect Chapters 1, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15 and 16. CXXXIX of 2013, amended by the Act on the Amendment of Certain Acts Related to Strengthening the Competitiveness of Domes-tic Economic Operators and Increasing the Efficiency of Public Administration. Act (MNB Act) raising the amount limit contained in Section 113(2) to HUF 2 million, repealing Sections 121-122 and the amended text of Section 116(4), as well as the statutory accounting and forint conversion it was justified by the completion of related cases and the possibility of electronic administration using the KAÜ identification.

We would like to draw the attention of the Financial Service Providers to the fact that in the case of our decisions based on legal submission, the value limit previously set at HUF 1 million will increase to HUF 2 million from Jan-uary 2, 2024, and that this rule will apply during the winter hearing break (December 18, 2023 and 2024 between January 1) must be applied to cases pending on January 2, 2024. We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that §§ 121-122 of the MNB Act are no longer valid, and § 116 of the MNB Act provides for the provision of legal remedies against obligations based on legislation. It is found in paragraph (4).

Dr. Erika Kovács



SEPTEMBER 21, 2023

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

The Financial Conciliation Board hereby informs you that there will be no hearings between December 18, 2023 and January 2, 2024. The last hearing day before the hearing break is Friday, December 15, 2023, the first hearing day after the hearing break is Wednesday, January 3, 2024. The days of the hearing break are not included in the duration of the proceedings.


Dr. Erika Kovács



APRIL 14, 2023

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

The Financial Conciliation Board hereby informs you that it will not hold hearings in the period between July 31, 2023 and August 18, 2023. The last hearing day before the hearing break is Friday, July 28, 2023, the first hearing day after the break is Monday, August 21, 2023. The days of the hearing break are not included in the duration of the proceedings.


Dr. Erika Kovács



FEBRUARY 28, 2023

Dear Readers!

The Financial Conciliation Board publishes its report for the year 2022 today. In our Annual Report, we summarize the most important events of last year, we provide information about our achieved results, events that occurred in the life of the Board, and we also report on the experiences we have gained in the course of our activities in the field of individual financial services.


Dr. Erika Kovács



JANUARY 9, 2023

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

I hereby inform you that some parts of Chapters 4 and 5 of the Operating Rules of the Financial Conciliation Board will be amended from January 9, 2023.

Act LXXVII of 2022, promulgated and entered into force on December 22, 2022. amended by Act CXXXIX of 2013. Act (MNB Act) § 98 (1) as well. According to this, deciding whether a case should be discussed by the Board in council or by a board member is the competence of the Board's president. It exercises this authority by consider-ing, based on the request, which form of negotiation is justified by the nature and complexity of the case, the expertise required for it and the amount of the claim to be asserted.

Between December 19, 2022 and January 6, 2023, the Board held a winter hearing break, which period is not in-cluded in the legal deadlines. The amended rules shall be applied from January 9, 2023, the first hearing day fol-lowing the hearing break, with the provision that it also applies to cases received and pending during the hearing break.  

Dr. Erika Kovács



OCTOBER 13, 2022

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

The Financial Conciliation Board hereby informs you that there will be no hearings between December 19, 2022 and January 6, 2023. The last hearing day before the hearing break is Friday, December 16, 2022, the first hearing day after the hearing break is Monday, January 9, 2023. The duration of the hearing break is not included in the duration of the proceedings.


Dr. Erika Kovács



APRIL 25, 2022

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

The Financial Conciliation Board hereby informs you that it will not hold hearings between July 25, 2022 and Au-gust 12, 2022. The last hearing day before the hearing break is Friday, July 22, 2022, the first hearing day after the break is Monday, August 15, 2022. The duration of the hearing break is not included in the duration of the pro-ceedings.


Dr. Erika Kovács



MARCH 1, 2022

Dear Readers!

The Financial Conciliation Board publishes its report for the year 2021 today. In our Annual Report, we summarize the most important events of last year, we provide information about our achieved results, events that occurred in the life of the Board, and we also report on the experiences we have gained in the course of our activities, in connection with specific cases, in the field of individual financial services.


Dr. Erika Kovács



DECEMBER 30, 2021

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

I hereby inform you that points 7 and 16 of the Operating Rules of the Financial Conciliation Board will be amend-ed as of January 3, 2022. The amendments are justified by two reasons. From January 3, 2022, it will be possible for applicants to use a new option in addition to the usual methods of starting procedures, since by using the "PBT Online Administration" application available on the Board's website, they can submit their applications elec-tronically and by filling out the forms available on our website and submitting the necessary documents. they will also be able to deliver it to us by pushing it. The reference to this is included in the amended text of point 7. The amendment of point 16 is justified by the fact that the Customer Service of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank has moved to a new location, the XII. district Krisztina krt. At address 6, consumers and service providers who require per-sonal administration are welcome.

Dr. Erika Kovács



NOVEMBER 19, 2021

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

I would like to inform you that due to the current epidemiological situation, in order to eliminate or reduce the risk of epidemics, in addition to the measures introduced from November 3, 2021, starting from Monday, No-vember 22, 2021, the use of a mask is also mandatory when entering the area used by the Board, the for all our clients during the stay in the customer waiting room and during the hearings, as well as the council members and other board employees acting in the cases and other MNB employees working in the area used by the Board. Please act according to the security measures ordered. 

Thank you for your cooperation!

Erika Kovács



NOVEMBER 3, 2021

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

I would like to inform you that due to the current epidemiological situation, the following measures have been introduced from November 3, 2021, in order to eliminate or reduce the risk of an epidemic. In all MNB objects and areas, before each entry, the colleagues performing entry check body temperature using a non-contact device. The condition for entry is a satisfactory result of the body temperature measurement, i.e. entry is permitted for our customers if the result of the body temperature is in the normal range. In the event that the primary measur-ing device measures a result in the set range of 37.7 °C or higher, the colleague performing the measurement also performs a secondary control measurement. If the control measurement also shows a result outside the specified range, the colleague refuses the customer's entry and informs the PBT member acting on the matter.  

The use of hand sanitizers is still mandatory when entering all MNB buildings. During your stay in the building, it is also mandatory to observe the rules of social distancing.  The conference rooms are disinfected after each hear-ing, and the customer waiting area is cleaned and disinfected regularly during the hearings.

Please act according to the security measures ordered. Thank you for your cooperation!


Erika Kovács



OCTOBER 14, 2021

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

The Financial Conciliation Board hereby informs you that there will be no hearings between December 20, 2021 and January 3, 2022. The last hearing day before the hearing break is Friday, December 17, 2021, the first hearing day after the hearing break is Monday, January 3, 2022. The duration of the hearing break is not included in the duration of the proceedings.


Dr. Erika Kovács



MAY 27, 2021

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

I would like to inform you that from May 31, 2021, our Board will hold hearings again in its meeting rooms on the ground floor of Váci út 76, in the usual place. The conditions for entry are a satisfactory result of the body tem-perature measurement, the use of a mask and hand disinfection, i.e. our customers are allowed to enter if the result of the body temperature is in the normal range, the use of the provided hand sanitizer and the wearing of a mouth mask. During your stay in the building, the use of a mouth mask and the observance of social distancing rules are mandatory.   The meeting rooms are disinfected after each hearing, and the customer waiting area is cleaned and disinfected regularly during the hearings. Please act according to the security measures ordered. Thank you for your cooperation.


Erika Kovács



APRIL 19, 2021

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

The Financial Conciliation Board hereby informs you that it will not hold hearings between July 26, 2021 and Au-gust 13, 2021. The last hearing day before the hearing break is Friday, July 23, 2021, the first hearing day after the break is Monday, August 16, 2021. The duration of the hearing break is not included in the duration of the hear-ing or the written procedures.


Dr. Erika Kovács



MARCH 8, 2021

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

Based on the authorization in point 8 of the Operating Rules of the Financial Conciliation Board, in order to reduce and prevent the spread of the corona virus, I ordered the continuation of the cases in writing from Monday, March 8, 2021, so hearings will not be held until further notice. I would like to inform you that the president of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, in view of the tightening of the state of emergency announced by the Hungarian Gov-ernment starting from March 8 and during its duration, imposed a ban on entry into the buildings of the MNB in which customer traffic takes place, such as personal customer service and hearings is also paused. According to point 8 of the Board's Rules of Procedure, the consent of the parties is not required for the transition to writing.

In connection with hearings that have already been scheduled, those concerned will receive written notification. New cases received after March 8 will be started and continued in writing.

Thank you for your understanding!

Dr. Erika Kovács



MARCH 5, 2021

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

I hereby inform you that the Financial Conciliation Board will temporarily not hold hearings from Monday, March 8, 2021, in order to reduce and prevent the spread of the coronavirus. We will notify our customers affected by the hearings that have already been scheduled, both by phone and in writing. In view of the relevant government decree that is currently being published, we will most likely continue the ongoing procedures as a written proce-dure.

Thank you for your understanding!

Dr. Erika Kovács



FEBRUARY 25, 2021

Dear Readers!

The Financial Conciliation Board publishes its 2020 report today. In our Annual Report, we summarize the most important events of last year, we provide information about our achieved results, events that occurred in the life of the Board, and we also report on the experiences we have gained in the course of our activities, in connection with specific cases, in the field of individual financial services. 


Dr. Erika Kovács



DECEMBER 10, 2020

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers! 

Th Financial Arbitration Board amends the Board's Rules of Procedure with effect from January 1, 2021. The amendment affects several points of several chapters, its purpose is to enable communication with the parties by electronic means in addition to the usual postal route, and by amending Chapter 8, it prescribes a general rule in the event of an entry ordered by the MNB in an emergency .

Starting from January 1, 2021, the Board will communicate with financial service providers exclusively through the interface available in the MNB's electronic business management information system (ERA system), using the "Financial Conciliation Board e-administration" service. The service providers submit their communications on the electronic forms found there, and the Board's decisions, notices, information and other communications are de-livered to the service providers by placing them in the delivery storage location.

The Board will be able to keep in touch with the applicants electronically, via the client portal on and, and from next year, applicants can also submit their applications as elec-tronic documents through the client portal to the General Printing Office (ÁNYK ) program and after identification using the Central Identification Agent (KAÜ).


Dr. Erika Kovács



NOVEMBER 12, 2020

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

The Financial Conciliation Board hereby informs you that it will hold the scheduled hearings at the time indicated in the notifications even during the period of the special legal order announced by the government. We ask every-one to let us know in advance if possible. The hearings are held even if one of the parties is absent, postponement in individual cases occurs if none of the parties is able to appear.

In the period between December 21, 2020 and January 1, 2021, we will have a winter audition break, so this year the last day of auditions will be Friday, December 18, 2020, and the first audition day after the break will be Mon-day, January 4, 2021. The duration of the hearing break is not included in the duration of the hearing procedures or the written procedures.


Dr. Erika Kovács



SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

The Financial Conciliation Board hereby informs you that there will be no hearings between December 21, 2020 and January 1, 2021. The last hearing day before the hearing break is Friday, December 18, 2020, the first hearing day after the hearing break is Monday, January 4, 2021. The duration of the hearing break is not included in the duration of the hearing procedures or the written procedures.


Dr. Erika Kovács




Dear Applicants, Dear Financial Service Providers!

I would like to inform you that as of September 3, 2020, in accordance with the legal provisions, access to MNB buildings will be permitted. The text of the customer statement to be filled out has changed. Other safety regula-tions remain unchanged. Content of the Declaration is as follows:

I have stayed in the last 14 calendar days in accordance with No. 408/2020 on the travel restrictions of the epi-demic preparedness period. (VIII.30.) According to government decree, I was abroad: yes/no (The appropriate one must be underlined and marked!)

The person performing the entry fills in:

if the declarant's answer is "yes", the declarant shall present the official decision of the competent epidemiologic authority on the lifting of epidemiologic surveillance before entry or, in the absence of this, two negatives for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, made with a time difference of at least 48 hours after the return presented test result: yes/no

To the best of my knowledge, in the last 14 calendar days, I have been in contact with Regulation 408/2020 on the travel restrictions of the epidemic preparedness period. (VIII.30.) According to government decree, with per-sons who arrived from abroad: yes/no

To the best of my knowledge, I have been in contact with an infected person in the last 14 calendar days: yes/no

To the best of my knowledge, I have a fever and/or symptoms of coronavirus infection: yes/no

If, following the answer to question 1, "yes", I do not know or do not wish to present the official decision issued by the competent epidemiological authority on the lifting of epidemiological surveillance, and if items 2-4. If I answered "yes" to any of the questions, I acknowledge that I may not enter the premises of the Hungarian Na-tional Bank.

Furthermore, I ask you to fully comply with the prescribed safety measures both at the auditions and in the wait-ing rooms.


Erika Kovács



FEBRUARY 27, 2019

Dear Reader,

Today, the Hungarian Financial Arbitration Board presents its 2018 Annual Report. In our annual report we summarise the most important highlights of the past year, we provide information about our results, the events in the life of the Board, and report about our experience that we gained through our activities in each case, and each financial service.

Please make yourself familiar with our 2018 Annual Report!

(The English version of the 2018 Annual Report is coming soon)


Dr Erika Kovács




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