On 4 October, 2005, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank issued a silver collector coin of 5000 forint denomination, called “The Budapest Calvinistic Theological Academy is 150 Years Old”.

The obverse of the coin depicts the building of the Károli Gáspár Calvinistic University, the reverse displays the seal of the university.

The coin was designed by István Kósa.

The collector coin is minted with 925 ‰ silver content, weighing 31.46 grams, with a diameter of 38.61 mm and an engrailed edge.

6,000 collector coins may be minted – 3,000 of which are made with the so-called proof technology.

The coins may be purchased at Magyar Pénzverő Rt., Budapest, Könyves Kálmán körút 38., and in the shop in the Visitor Center of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Budapest, Szabadság tér 8/9). The coins may be purchased at nominal value for three months following their date of issue.