Budapest, 18 September 2020. In today's FX swap tender providing euro liquidity, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank accepted all bids in the amount of EUR 575 million (HUF 207.23 billion) with a maturity of 1 October.

In accordance with the decision of the Monetary Council of 8 September 2020, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank held an FX swap tender providing euro liquidity. Seven banks participated in the competitive price tender. Banks placed bids worth of €575 million, all of which were accepted by the MNB.

The MNB will hold another FX swap tender on 25 September 2020 because it is one of its key priority that short-term rates in every sub-market at all times should be formed consistently with the level of short-term rates deemed optimal by the Monetary Council. The MNB will publish the call for tenders containing the parameters of the competitive EUR/HUF FX swap tender on 25 September 2020 at 8:00 am on the central bank's website and on the news agencies’ websites. The tender is settled on T + 2 working days, with the maturity of 1 October 2020.

In response to the swap market developments at the end of the quarter, the MNB will not hold a forint liquidity-providing swap tender until the end of September. The next forint liquidity swap tender will take place on October 5, 2020, with a value date of October 7.