Contrary to the misinterpretation that the EU is an empire of invitation /Gideon Rachman, FT, 8 October 2019/, the European Union is an alliance of nation states. Many of them do not want to build an empire called the United States of Europe. The former European Dream to become one of the global superpowers of the 21th century is over.

It was killed by Brexit, migration policies, the euro, the stopping of further accessions to the EU, austerity policies and the weaknesses of the single market. Due to these major political mistakes made by western European elites, the EU is free to unfold the real legacy of European traditions: freedom, diversity, creativity, innovation, culture and cooperation. None of them can prosper in any kind of European empire.

Re “Europe rightly aspires to be a power project”

Governor Matolcsy, MNB, the Central Bank of Hungary