Balance of Payments,  International Investment Postion

Special purpose entities (SPE) are playing a role in the intermediation of substantial financial resources within groups of company, due to channeling funds (the direction and size of which are controlled by their parents), rather than being a target for direct investment (net flows on various financial instruments are close to zero taking a longer period). One major characteristic of SPEs is that they channel relatively large funds. Consequently, recording their transactions particularly strongly increases the gross figures of the financial accounts.

In accordance with the international statistical recommendations from January 2006 the MNB compiles the balance of payments and the international investment statistics including SPEs, allow for international and bilateral comparisons of statistics, while based on economic considerations, the MNB continues to compile the balance of payments and international investment statistics excluding SPEs as readily interpretable in economic terms. Tables containing time series, Statistical press releases and any other analyses are based on data excluding SPEs. About SPEs see: Methodological notes on SPEs

Balance of Payment publications from 2008

Quarterly data of the open year:

Excluding Special Purpose Entities

Time Series: 

Quarterly data:

Excluding Special Purpose Entities from 1995 

Capital in transit flows from 2008

Including Special Purpose Entities from 2006 

Annual data

Excluding Special Purpose Entities from 1995

Selected Items

Selected debt service indicators of Hungary

Maturity breakdown

The maturity breakdown of Hungary's medium and long-term external debt by sectors

--------------- ARCHIVE -----------------

Mounthly data by years

1995 (EUR)

1994 (EUR)

1993 (EUR)

1992 (EUR)

1991 (EUR)

1990 (EUR)
