Week 1

Christian Bayer is full professor of economics at the University of Bonn, since  2008, where he also is director of the institute for macroeconomics and econometrics and serves as the spokesperson of the DFG-sponsored research training group The macroeconomics of inequality. Furthermore, he is a research fellow at CEPR, IZA, and CESifo.

Christian obtained his doctoral degree from Dortmund University in 2004 and between then and coming to Bonn worked at to the European University Institute in Florence, Yale University, and Universita Bocconi in Milan. 

His main research interest is the role of heterogeneity in macroeconomics. In particular, he is interested in the macroeconomic implications of financial frictions and uncertainty on investment, firm dynamics, and household savings decisions. All these topics require a serious treatment of how heterogeneity of households and firms evolves in the macroeconomy. His research has been twice sponsored by prestigious ERC grants and has been published in the leading peer-reviewed journals of economics, e.g. the American Economic Review, Econometrica, and the Journal of Monetary Economics.

website: https://www.bgse.uni-bonn.de/en/people/faculty-directory/christian-bayer


Week 2

Fabio Canova  is  a  professor  of  Macroeconomics  at  the Norwegian  Business School,  holder of  the  Santander  chair  of  Excellence  at  UC3M, Research  associate  with the Centre  for  Applied  Macroeconomics and  Petroleum  Studies and  the  CEPR. He is also program director of the Budapest School of Central Bank Studies and a  member of the scientific committee of the Euro Area Business Cycle  network.

In the past he has held the Pierre Werner chair in Monetary Union at   the  Robert  Schumann  Center for  Advanced  Studies (2012-2014), The  ICREA Research  Professorship at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2006-2012) and is has  been Professor of  Econometrics at the European  University Institute (2011-2014) and  Chair  in  Monetary Economics  and the University  of  Bern  (2008). He has  been  recently awarded an honorary  professorship from Henin University  in China.

He  has been program committee member  of  the  meetings  of  the International Association  of  Applied  Econometrics (2014-2017), chair for IAAE 2020 and the European Meetings of the Econometric Society 2014, a panelist of ANVUR in 2013,  coeditor of the Journal  of the European Economic Association from 2008  to  2013 and  of  the  Journal of  Applied Econometrics from  2012 to  2017, and a referee for ERC,  NSF, ESRC research proposals.

He has taught classes in numerous universities and given  professional courses in Central banks and  international  institutions. He has published over 85 articles in international journals and his graduate  textbook, Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research, has been published in 2007 by  Princeton University  Press and  translated  in Chinese in 2010.


website: https://sites.google.com/view/fabio-canova-homepage/home


Week 3

Harald Uhlig  holds the Bruce Allen  and  Barbara Ritzenthaler Professorship in  Economics  and  the  College at  the  University  of  Chicago. He has been at the University of Chicago since 2007 and was Chairman of the Department of Economics from 2009 to 2012. He previously held positions at Princeton University, 1990–1994, Tilburg University, 1994–2000 and Humboldt University of Berlin, 2000–2007.

Uhlig won the Gossen Prize in 2003 and  the  Ramsey  Prize  in  2005. He was co-editor of Econometrica from 2006 to 2010. He is co-editor of the Journal of Political Economy since 2012. In 2017  he was named an Honorary Professor at Henan University in China.

Uhlig has  published a  number  of  articles in  top  international  journals  and serves as a consultant for both the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and the European Central Bank.

website: http://home.uchicago.edu/~huhlig/index.html