Pursuant to the provisions of Section 9(1)a) aa) an b) of Act CCXXII of 2015 on the General rules of trust services and electronic transactions, Sections 17 (1) and 19 (1) of Government Decree 451/2016. (XII. 19.) on the Detailed rules of electronic services, and Section 3 (1) of MNB Decree 36/2017. (XII. 27.) on the Rules of electronic communication in official matters in progress before the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (“ Decree”),  the legal representative of the enterprise and the applicant (client) obliged, pursuant to Article 58(2) of Act CXXXIX Of 2013 on the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB Act), to apply electronic communication, shall submit its application, notification or other petition by using the prescribed form available in the information system supporting the electronic administration of the MNB (“ ERA System”) and introduced for the procedure related to the submission in question, in the manner and with content specified therein, simultaneously uploading the annexes specified by the law and other documents required by the MNB.

In the licensing procedures, the applications and notifications must be submitted by using the prescribed electronic form available in the E-administration / Licensing service in the ERA interface on the MNB's website, attaching the certified electronic copies of the annexes. The resolutions, requests for clarification, notices and other communications of the MNB are delivered to the applicant or their legal representatives by sending them to the delivery storage space.

For natural persons electronic administration is an optional form of procedure; however, pursuant to Article 58 (2) of the MNB Act, natural persons not subject to mandatory electronic communication may also submit their application, notification or other submission on the electronic form, available in the ERA system, dedicated to the respective application, notification or other submission, or on the ÁNYK (General Form Filling Framework) form, dedicated to the respective application, notification or other submission, available in the storage space within the Central Client Registration database, simultaneously uploading the additional documents prescribed by the MNB.