Reproductions of forint banknotes may be produced on a paper-based substance without permission by the MNB if
- the reproduction is printed on a substance that is clearly different and distinguishable from banknote or security paper, and
- is printed on one side only (being the reproduction of either the front or the reverse side of a banknote), provided that the length and width of the reproduction are either shorter than 75 percent or longer than 125 percent of the original banknote, or
- is printed on both sides (based on the front and reverse sides of a banknote), provided that the length and width of the reproduction are either shorter than 50 percent or longer than 200 percent of the original banknote,
- the reproduction only contains a part of the front or the reverse side of the original banknote and the size of the part reproduced is smaller than one-third of the front or the reverse side of the original banknote,
- the reproduction contains a specific graphic element of the original banknote, provided that such individual graphic element is represented against a background clearly different and distinguishable from that of the original banknote.
No authorisation is required by the MNB if
- the reproduction is printed on a non-paper substance, provided that such basic substance is clearly different and distinguishable from banknote or security paper,
- the reproduction is made available by electronic means, on an Internet website, by a wire-based or wireless device.